It's about creativity & courage

For us 'it's the way we've always done it' has never been a satisfactory answer to following paths or processes. We want to look for new solutions in life and in business. Our Corkscrew journey has led us from re:imaging career journeys to re:inventing wedding days (just Neils so far!) and re:framing internships and corporate cultures and so much more!

Andreu, Neil and The Corkscrew Collective

Although Andreu and Neil breathed new life into the idea of a Corkscrew Mind, the collective goes so much deeper. Since 2010 Corkscrew Minds have adopted creative thinkers, radicals and change makers from a cross section of society & sectors challenging norms through innovation & creativity

A Community of Corkscrew Minds

We've worked in supporting thousands of individuals adopt a Corkscrew Mind to solve their own personal challenges in life and hundreds of organisations looking to innovative and evolve in their industries through the process of Corkscrew Thinking. Building critical thinking, emotional intelligence, creativity and courage to solve problems new and old.

You Are Who You Surround Yourself With

We won't be something we're not when we're working with people and organisations. We are open, passionate and committed to helping you adopt a Corkscrew Mind and implement it to achieve your identified objectives and goals. We thrive on the long term relationships we build and the projects we co-create with our partners. Are you a different mind of thinker like us?

We believe in more. We believe in Corkscrew.

We love doing what we do. We love how Corkscrew Thinking gives us the vehicle to work with diverse and interesting individuals and organisations from across the globe. We are constantly learning and evolving what it means to have a Corkscrew Mind and how it can help you shape and implement new ideas, projects and solutions.

  • The individuals behind a different mind of thinking

    What makes a Corkscrew Mind? Find out the changemakers, innovators and radicals that have challenged their own status quos from the world of music to the established education systems and structures of business.

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  • The Four Elements of The Corkscrew Loop

    A Corkscrew Mindset is a simple process that relies on the four loop elements of recognise, empathise, devise and galvanise. An approach to help you break away from tradition and start re:framing and re:designing your new future.

    Read More 

We're eager to know what inspired you to find out more about a Corkscrew Mind and how it could help you achieve your goal. Reach out to us via email at or connect with us on LinkedIn & Instagram.

  • Andreu Gual Falco

    Concurrently leading Career Habit Pro, we guide individuals in cultivating proactive career habits. Leveraging international project management skills, Andreu to do. Linkedin

  • Neil Finnie

    It's all about the energy. From business to beats I'm always going to give 100% of myself. Love to explore partnerships with diverse professionals from all walks of life and loves. Linkedin