Investigating the origins of a Corkscrew Mind. A wartime concept with the key to future innovation.
Since our discovery of 'Corkscrew Thinking' in 2010 we've adopted the term to encourage individuals and organisations recognise their own status quos and devise innovative new approaches. But do we really understand it's true meaning and how it brought an end to one of the darkest periods of our modern time? By investigating it's inception we hope to understand how we can harness it's ability to help us navigate our own uncertain future.
Did it really bring an end to WWII?
What is the history behind the inception of a Corkscrew Mind? Was the term first coined by Churchill? Who was he referring to? And did the non-linear thinkers actually bring an end to the second world war? Our investigation will look to break the Corkscrew Code.
How can it help us navigate an uncertain future?
With a knowledge of the history of a Corkscrew Mind how can we learn from these non-linear thinkers in a time of uncertainty and geopolitical risks? Who are todays Corkscrew Thinkers and can we encourage others to adopt a new approach?
Do you have information on the history of Corkscrew Thinking? Then we need you 🫵
Investigating a Corkscrew Mind could be like finding a needly in the proverbial haystack! That's why we're looking for a community of likeminded individuals to help us find answers and crack the corkscrew code.